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Breeder / L'éleveur

Contact Details / Informations de contact

Avonlea Genetics Inc.Andrew, Jennifer, Taylor & Will Vander Meulen
Jim & Liz Livock
RR#7, 1925 County Rd 26, Brighton, ON K0K 1H0
phone number (613) 475-2627
fax number (613) 475-2623
email info@avonleagenetics.com
Belgia Farms LtdHan & Irma Brink-Symons
321238 Concession Road 6/7 – RR # 3
Grand Valley ON L9W 0W8
phone number Cell Han Brink: (519) 949-1140
phone number Cell Irma Brink: (519) 949-1170
email belgia.brink@hotmail.com
Ferme Bellaska JerseyGuillaume Dumais and Anne-Marie Girard
120, Hétriére, La Durantaye, QC, G0R 1W0
phone number (418) 887-4051
phone number Cell: (418) 670-6448
fax number (418) 887-3258
email guyaumdum@hotmail.com
Bramville JerseysFran & Joanne Edwards
Box 277, Nokomis, SK, S0G3R0
phone (306) 528-7707
email jerseyjo6@gmail.com
Brenbe FarmJason, Jessica, Katie & Oliver Butcher
896 Brant Waterloo Rd, RR#3, Ayr, ON N0B 1E0
phone (519) 575-8997
email Jasonbutcher@live.com
Bridon Farms378 Brant-Oxford Rd, Paris, ON N3L 3E2
phone Brian & Donna Sayles: (519) 632-7992
phone Jeff & Julie Sayles: (519) 757-5591
phone Bruce & Carolyn Sayles: (519) 632-9604 (tel & fax)
email bcsayles6@gmail.com
BRI-LIN JerseysBrian & Linda Raymer
RR #1, 676195 16th Line, Bright, ON, N0J 1B0
phone (519) 462-2267
phone Cell: (519) 535-4100
email brilin@cwisp.ca
Cogent CanadaGeneral Manager: David Brand
7970 Perth Road 147, Listowel, ON, N4W 3G9
phone (519) 291-9916
fax (519) 291-3532
email info@cogentcanada.com
Dream Lane JerseysDoug & Maria Henderson
275 Boundary Rd, Roslin, Ontario, K0K 2Y0
phone Cell: (705) 879-5410
email doughenderson65@gmail.com
DrentexMichael & Monique Bols
780 Eadie Rd., Russell, ON, K4R 1E5
phone (613) 445-2870
email Michael Bols
Enniskillen JerseysTim & Sharyn Sargent and Family
8800 Old Scugog Rd, Enniskillen, ON L0B 1J0
phone (905) 263-8823
phone Frank Stenger: (905) 263-2328
email sargentsharyn@hotmail.com
Leucosis Free CHAH Herd
Geordawn JerseysGeorge & Dawn Van Kampen and Family
394276 County Rd 12, Amaranth, ON, L9W 0N2
George Mobile: - (519) 940-2201
Dawn Mobile: - (519) 939-2726
phone Home: (519) 920-2202
email geordawn@gmail.com
Glenholme JerseysThe Mellow/Ruta Family
716962 18th Line, Tavistock ON, N0B 2R0
phone Bruce- (416) 315-9765
phone Curtis - (647) 201-7538
phone Carol - (416) 276-5232
Hoften Farms (FARM STAR)Arjan Otten & Jessica Hoffman
Box 194, Grindrod BC
V0E 1Y0
phone (204) 872-5611 Jessica
phone (204) 872-7828 Arjan
email hoftenfarms@hotmail.com
Hollylane JerseysRoger E. Ray & Diane Jarrell-Ray
RR#1 Corbyville, ON, K0K 1V0
phone (613) 968-8619
fax (613) 968-5586
email hollylane@sympatico.ca
Kingsdale JerseysSteven, Peggy & Emily Holmes
1916 McIntyre Rd, RR# 2, Bath, ON, K0H 1G0
phone (613) 352-5110
phone Cell: (613) 561-2654
fax (613) 354-0529
email homer@kos.net
Lone Pine JerseysAdrian Haeni
RR#2 Didsbury, AB, T0M 0W0
phone (403) 335-3028
email lonepine@cciwireless.ca
twitter LonePineJ
Ferme LaroselaitMathieu Larose
515 Petit Coteau, Vercheres, QC, J0L2R0
phone (514) 444-0069
email laroselait@hotmail.com
Maplevale JerseysTerry Creighton
2024 McIntyre Rd, RR#2, Bath, ON, K0H 1G0
phone (613) 352-7244
phone (613) 352-7463
email terry@maplevale.ca
Paullyn FarmsPaul & Lynda Hill
181070 RR # 1 Ayton, ON, NOG 1CO
phone (519) 799-5553
phone Cell: (519) 506-9553
email paullynfarms@wightman.ca
phone Trevor & Tammy Hill & Family: (519) 799-5674
phone Tyler & Cheryl Hill & Family: (519) 799-5292
Rapid Bay Jersey FarmSteve Borland
1189 Island Road, Ormstown, QC, J0S 1K0
phone (450) 921-1189
email rapidbaysires@gmail.com
Les Fermes Reyla enr.Aubrey & Patrick MacDougall & Laura Johnston
1301 Upper Concession, Ormstown, QC, J0S 1K0
phone (450) 829-3851
fax (450) 829-2339
email reyla@oricom.ca
email Patrick MacDougall
Visit us on Facebook
RJ FarmsBob & April Jarrell
1770 Blessington Rd, Corbyville, ON, K0K 1V0
phone (613) 969- 1479
fax (613) 969-1873
phone Donnie & Jenn Jarrell: (613) 968-8830
email Robert Jarrell
email April Jarrell
email Bobby Jarrell
email Jackie Jarrell
email Donnie Jarrell
Ferme RogguaRachel Guay, Raymond, Kevin & Bryan Favreau
6415, chemin Fairfax, Stanstead QC J0B 3E0
phone Cell. Rachel (819) 238-7659
phone Cell. Raymond (819) 570-6415
email ray.rachelle@hotmail.com
Sleegerholm JerseysMike & Brenda Sleegers
4266 Westchester Bourne, Belmont, ON, N0L 1B0
phone (519) 644-2544
phone Cell: (519) 671-5895
fax (519) 644-0159
email bmsleegers@execulink.com
Sterling ParkPeter, Rebekah, Charlie & Archie Mathers
34310 RR#283
Red Deer County, Alberta T4G 0G2
phone (403) 922-3793
phone (403) 392-2899
email rebekah_noffke@hotmail.com
Spruce Avenue Farms IncDean Jr & Erin Sayles
phone (519) 442-4499
phone Cell: (519) 771-6343
email erinanddean@hotmail.com
Dean & Linda Sayles
928 Paris Plains Church Rd
RR#2, Paris, ON, N3L 3E2
phone (519) 442-3001
email sprucav@gmail.com
Unique Valleystream GeneticsDavid, Tracy, Casey & Lee Morey
Box 27, Rochester, AB, T0G 1Z0
phone tel/fax: (780) 698-2267
email David Morey
email Tracy Morey
Ferme Verjatin Holstein & Jersey incFrançois & Guillaume Vermette
212 Rang 1 Est
Saint-Gervais, Quebec G0R 3C0
phone tel: (418) 887-3849
faxfax: (418) 887-7384
phone cell: (418) 554-3849
email verjatin@hotmail.com
Verdurelea JerseysAaron and Amanda Doble and Family
Peter and Charlotte Doble
1495 Conc. 6 Sunderland ON. L0C 1H0
phone Aaron: (705) 308-7991
phone Peter: (705) 357-2180
email mushmoo@yahoo.com

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