Looking for industry news, articles and market information?
- is an on-line resource for the dairy industry in Canada.
- The World Jersey Cattle Bureau (WJCB) website also hosts information from an international perspective.
- Jersey US: AJCA is a great resource for American based research and has an excellent brochure titled 'Why Jerseys'.
A series of eight short video clips to a more profitable herd.
(2017 Jersey Canada) With Jerseys maturing earlier than other breeds, they can be bred at a younger age and enter the milking herd sooner. Fertility also plays a role as Jersey heifers reach puberty eight-weeks earlier than the industry average (Source: Department of Dairy Science, Virginia Tech, 2003) and they show longer heat periods and more standing heat events. This can help detect estrus or alleviate the misdiagnosis of estrus, which can be expensive. Relief can also be felt with annual veterinary and pharmaceutical bills, as the Jersey continues to thrive with their pregnancy success rate. According to the Canadian Dairy Network, Canadian Jerseys have an average age at first service of 15.5 months, however, many farms have successfully been breeding their Jersey heifers by 13 months of age. We asked three breeders to share their secrets to successful early breeding.
(2016 Jersey Canada) It is reasonable to expect that the stall size for Jersey's will be smaller than what is required for larger cows. Read more about our recommendations for the ideal stall size to keep your Jerseys comfortable, safe and productive.
(2015 Dairy Farmers of Canada - ProAction) Jerseys require 80% of the space that a mature Holstein cow requires.
(2015 Journal of Dairy Science) Age at optimal breeding weight was 13.6, 15.5, 12.6, and 14.5 mo for Holsteins, Ayshires, Jerseys and Brown Swiss respectively.
The Jersey breed is the most economical and financially viable dairy breed. The smaller size is a benefit due to efficient conversion of feed, lower labour costs, higher components, lower health and reproduction costs and lower investment in fixed assets.
Brochure: What does the most profitable dairy breed look like?
Full report: Economic Analysis of Dairy Breeds Tables - Economic Analysis of Dairy Breeds
(2014 University of Guelph) E. Currie, J. James, J. Whytock, L. Carty, S. Wick, Economic Analysis of Dairy Breeds: Which Breed is the Best, 2014, University of Guelph.
(2012 Journal of Dairy Science) An article in the Journal of Dairy Science compared the environmental impact of Jersey to Holstein milk for cheese production. It concluded that producing cheddar cheese from Jersey milk consumes fewer natural resources and has a lower environmental impact compared with using milk from Holstein cows. For Jerseys and Holsteins to produce the same amount of protein, milkfat and other solids, the Jersey population requires 32% LESS water, uses 11% LESS land and substantially LESS fossil fuels, and produces LESS waste. The research claimed a 20% reduction in the total carbon footprint.
(2012 Journal of Dairy Science) Immune responses of Holstein and Jersey calves during the preweaning and immediate postweaned periods when fed varying planes of milk replacer. We observed a breed difference in total serum protein, wherein Jersey calves had higher concentrations than Holsteins. Furthermore, feeding a higher plane of MR nutrition to Jersey calves improved some postweaning innate immune responses.
(Agricultural Operations Regulation, Environment Quality Act: chapter Q-2, r. 26) A milking Jersey cow produces 55% less phosphorus (P2O5) in her manure than other dairy breeds. Phosphorus output is just one of many ways that Canadian Jerseys use their body size and high-component milk production to demonstrate their efficiency, profitability, and opportunity! This fact is recognized by the Government of Quebec, as outlined in the Agricultural Operations Regulation Environment Quality Act, and represents an incredible opportunity for dairy producers everywhere to efficiently administering their nutrient management program while maximizing their herd size.
(2009 OMAFRA) Average first-service conception rates using sex-sorted semen for Jersey heifers is reported at 53% while the average is 47% for industry heifers.
In the right circumstances, using sex-sorted semen in virgin heifers can offer a financial opportunity. Once considered a dairy farmer's pipedream, sexed semen for artificial insemination has become commercially available from all North American studs on a select basis at a premium price. Although this semen greatly improves your odds of producing a heifer calf, it is fair to ask whether the extra cost is worth it.
(2002 Virginia Tech) Feeding Jersey calves at or near ad lib intake a 27 to 29% CP milk replacer appeared to provide sufficient CP to support growth. Feeding 180g of CP in the MR was beneficial to calf performance compared with diet 21/21.
(2022 Drs Art Hill & Mary Ann Ferrer, Département des sciences de l’alimentation,Université de Guelph) Les fromagers sont toujours en quête de moyens permettant d’augmenter le rendement et d’améliorer la qualité, mais ce chemin commence à la ferme. Parmi les facteurs liés à l’exploitation qui influent sur la capacité du lait à produire du fromage, on peut citer la race et d’autres effets génétiques, le stade de la lactation, la saison, la mammite et l’historique des températures.